Monday, June 27, 2011

We don’t allow interference in our marriage –Joke Jacobs

Screen goddess, Joke Silva, has one of the longest lasting marriages in Nollywood. Married to the iconic Olu Jacobs, the high-flying pair are revered in Nollywood and adored by their teeming fans. Mrs. Jacobs shared the secrets of marital longevity in the limelight with YEMISI ADENIRAN among other issues.

You are a bit scarce on the screen these days. What is happening?

There is no cause for any alarm and there is no deviation. It is just that I’m into another thing that is taking much of my time. These days, I am more into activities that will lead to the growth of the industry. More than mere acting, I have discovered that the industry needs to put some things in place to better the lots of the players in the industry. Nollywood is not a local set up, so, we need to compete favourably with the international standard. We need to build ourselves up in such areas as capacity building, creative thinking and writing, skills and knowledge improvement. We need to improve our standards not because of today but for the generation coming behind us.

Was that what gave birth to The Lufodo Academy of Performance Arts?

Yes. That was what informed the school. It was designed to bail actors out of mediocrity and sub-standard performance. Unfortunately, most Nigerian actors don’t believe in training. They see acting as one simple and easy profession that any Jack can delve into at any time. Meanwhile, this is not so. It is a lot of brain work, expertise and seriousness. Honestly, it is no joke. And the more serious we get with it, the better we will rate with other nations.
But why?

It is not far-fetched and I tell you, they are really not to be blamed. The thing is, the ones they do are being acknowledged. They themselves get acknowledged everywhere they go, I mean great applause follow them everywhere; they make good money even when we think that the said money is not good enough, they pay their bills, enjoy good attention and publicity all of the time, so, they are contended. They therefore see nothing to learn again. To them, it is a waste of time. As long as they can find a way of interpreting their roles, they are just good to go. And I say it is a wrong orientation. No matter one’s level of education, there is always a room for improvement. When you look at other professions, you will see that people still go for training time after time to improve their lots. No matter the benefit we derive from our present job, we must give room for on-the-job training. It is good and goes a long way. We must never look down on building ourselves, it won’t diminish us, it can only make us better and keep us relevant still. I just pray that people’s eyes will be more opened to this.

How would you compare acting of those years with what is obtainable now?

They are poles apart. In those years, we were doing it for the passion we had for it, we were very committed and were not this attached to its monetary compensation. Generally, however, there has been more improvement in what we had then and now. Home videos have taken over from theatre and stage plays and I guess we are a lot better for it

It is believed that the success of home video is responsible for the misfortune suffered by stage play?

Anyone can say so, but we must thank God for home video. If there was no home video, entertainment could have been dead in Nigeria. If home video was not there and people or lovers of theatre lovers didn’t have an avenue to satisfy their need for entertainment, what would we have been talking about now? Although the home video thing is not exactly what it should be, their presence has ensured that there is a form of entertainment for those who love the art. Home video is a bail out for entertainment lovers and it has really boosted the image of Nigeria in the outer world.

But some people say it has become tribalistic. Do you share the same view?

I don’t see it that way at all. I have appeared in different ethnic movies before now and I will still do. And one thing I will continue to say is about training and flexibility. I can say of Nigerian producers that once you are good and they know, you will be invited for roles. There is no discrimination. Yes, we have many actors and actresses evolving every day but if you have proven yourself and you move with the current tide, you will be hot and relevant till old age. Even at old age, like a colleague of mine once said, you will still be relevant because there will be roles to be played by aged people. This is where my message about training comes up again. Stagnant water can only dry up over time, but a flowing stream will never be. It will continue to be fresh and fit for drinking.

You are a role model in the industry. How have you managed to avoid scandals?

Scandals are not compulsory features of anybody. You don’t get scandalised if you have not given room for it. I don’t walk in the way of scandals, which explains why I have none to my person. And as for being a role model to many in the industry, I owe that to God. I didn’t set out to be a role model; I was just determined to do my best for the sake of a profession that I’m in love with. I only allowed the ‘what is worth doing at all worth doing well’ saying to guide me. What has this cost you over time? Hard work. That is it. You can’t rest on your oars when a lot of people are looking up unto you. I have had to put in more efforts on those things that appear well to the people, so I don’t let them down. And these you know go beyond just the acting work; it is about one’s person and all. Being a role model extends to one’s home, husband and children, friends and relatives. So, it is all encompassing.

What do you think has sustained your marriage?

I can’t boast of anything except the grace of God because in marriage, there is bound to be misunderstanding and ups and downs. It depends on how the concerned couple handles them as they come. Our lives have been that of a brother and sister. In addition, I will say that the age difference between us is also an advantage. He is much older and will overlook my mistakes easily. We keep open doors for communication and this has been very helpful. No matter the misunderstanding, the door of communication is always open in our home. We are in the same profession, so, we understand the game. We always talk, I mean create time to talk and share the fun and experience of the day with each other. Even when we have visitors, we discuss, they may not know. We try not to allow any external input into our marriage either from family or friends.

What’s your view about marriage?

Marriage is a wonderful thing. The Bible recorded that God ordained it, saying that whoever finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from God. While I will encourage people to get married, I will advise that they take their time to understand whoever they are getting married to and be sure of their priorities. They must not go into marriage when they are not sure they are ready. And when they finally make up their mind, they must endure for each other. Women especially must learn to endure their men. The men should also do the same because women will always raise up their voices at one time or the other. Marriage is a learning process. The two major players are coming from two different backgrounds, they are strangers and they should know that it will take much time to understand each other. They should respect each other’s feeling, likes and hate each other’s dislikes, give room to observations and offer spaces for benefit of doubt. Above all, they must trust in God who is wiser than all.

You mentioned a wide age-gap between you and your husband as an advantage. How much difference is there and how do you cope with each other?

I must re-affirm here that God has been there for us otherwise coping wouldn’t have been any easy. We have as much as 19 years between us and like I said, it never posed any problem. Mind you, it isn’t a father-to-daughter kind of relationship; we are like brother and sister. We share a lot of interests, he is a friend who understands me and appreciates me for who I am. I also do the same, so. We don’t even see the age thing as an issue. He is mature, kind and very good.

What does style mean to you?

It is about anything that gives you fun. It must make you look good and comfortable. I love beautiful but simple things. It doesn’t have to be expensive but it must spell elegance and be affordable.

source: nigeriafilms

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