Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony dropped a bomb of sorts on Friday when they issued a statement saying they were splitting after seven years of marriage. The announcement came as a shock to many, and with good reason: the couple did little to drop hints that there were problems in the relationship.

'We have decided to end our marriage, this was a very difficult decision. We have come to an amicable conclusion on all matters. It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time.'

In fact, just before announcing their divorce, the couple shared with Latina magazine what it takes to make a marriage work. "I mean it’s about time, it’s about making the time for each other; it’s about being there for each other for the good moments and for the bad moments, you know, it’s just about caring," Lopez told the magazine. "To say how to care for somebody is a long list, but that’s really what it takes."

Anthony also said that making time for the whole family was of utmost importance. "We could take any job and any responsibility, but the biggest one we have is to our family. That’s the biggest job of all," he said.

Lopez pointed out that (at least at one point) they did make each other better. "We do make each other better. Because we have respect for each other, we’re able to listen to each other’s, I wouldn’t say criticism, but critiques of each other, and take them as a constructive thing, not as something that’s meant to hurt you, and we’re able to grow from that. I can say to him, ‘You know, I think it would be better if, when you’re onstage, you had this back-up singer’ or whatever, and he can listen to me and not say, ‘Well, I don’t think so.’ We really do listen to each other’s opinions knowing that the other person really wants to help you."

Next man for JLO should be? I'm thinking George Clooney. He doesn't want marriage or children...she's been married 3times and has children....so, perfect couple. No?

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